Sunday, June 3, 2007

Day +88: A Good Weekend

Keith enjoyed a nice weekend. He’s been feeling really good lately and better still, he was able to have several of his friends over to the house to play. We even acquiesced to his request for a sleepover with a friend Saturday night. It was a lot of fun for him, made even better by having Scott hang with them.

There’s only one more week left of school for all of Keith’s Wagner Ranch friends. We’re sorry he won’t be able to experience ‘graduation’ from elementary school but with summer vacation just around the corner perhaps Keith can offset any disappointment with more play dates.

While Keith won’t be able to swim for Park Pool this summer, Scott is wearing the Kelley ‘speedo’ torch so to speak. He has been getting himself in shape over the last several weeks by attending evening pre-season practices and today was the time trials meet at the pool, where each swimmer swims every event to establish a baseline time for the upcoming season. His times were quite good and he seems to be enjoying himself to boot. Only one more week of intermediate school for him then it’s off to high school in the fall….o…m…g…

Good news – Keith won’t need to undergo the bone biopsy that was scheduled for Monday, sparing himself yet another uncomfortable procedure and a sore spot as a reminder. Instead we just need to have blood labs drawn in preparation for what we believe will be the commencement of the first course of the clinical trial in a week or so. Keith is in a wonderful frame of mind and does a great job pushing all of the medical stuff aside so that he can enjoy the moment. That’s been his modus operandi from the get go and I see no reason for him to alter this approach.

We received a fat envelope in the mail on Saturday addressed to Keith from the Ronald McDonald House. We though "how nice, they've sent him a t-shirt." Instead, it was full of cards and letters that were never delivered to Keith while he was there. What's with that? So apologies to all who sent him notes of encouragement - he has them now at last...

Finally, late last week Keith's neighbor & friend Chad knocked on our door and presented Keith with yet another art project that the 5th graders created for him. It was a fired clay fish decorated with the patterns borrowed from of one of Keith’s abstract art projects he did at the hospital a while back that I posted on the April 17th entry. We are so grateful to Mrs. Kam, Wagner Ranch’s art teacher, for the many times she has cheered Keith up with art projects that she and her class have done for him.


Anonymous said...


I am typing this on my blackberry as the chauffeur takes me to check in at LA County Jail for my little "visit." So it is a bit late to be asking questions, but I know you've been incarcerated at Childrenz and LPCH several times in the past year, and I have a few unanswered questions about doing time.

Starting with the most important, do you think they will let me keep my flat iron? I packed two just in case one breaks or someone else wants to look fabulous.

What if I do not like the food? Should I be polite and eat it anyway, or can I be myself and throw a fit?

Should I get dressed up every day, or just some days? I would hate to be caught in something drab if Yul from Survivor came to cheer us up. He's hot.

Well, that's what I am most worried about. If you could just post your answers on my myspace, I will have my personal assistant relay them to me.

OMG, this post is ALL ABOUT ME! So I guess I have one more question -- does that surprise you?

Allison N. said...

Hey there Keith,

I don't think I can come up with anything that will top a missive from Paris Hilton herself. I am sure your wisdom can go a long way towards helping her with her concerns. I think you should charge her a healthy consulting fee for your services. While she isn't exactly flush in the brains department, her checkbook is a different story!

I am glad to hear you had a nice weekend at home - friends and family are some of the best "medicine" there is.

And, I love your new art piece courtesy of your Wagner Ranch class mates! You have assembled quite a gallery of pieces between your own handiwork and those of your friends. You hang out with a good crowd....not sure about that Paris though.

Love from, Allison

Anonymous said...

DEar Keith,
Today was the big skate. It was all fun and games untill are former O.P.P. swimmate Gabe Ostler during the boys speed skate noticed a young boy on the ground directly in front of him. He did not want to run over him and was going to fast to stop so he swerved and fell and broke his wrist. Just giving you an update! Sincerely,

Anonymous said...

It's "too" fast "to" stop.
Good luck at the spelling bee!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear Keith had a good weekend. I've been thinking about him.

-Katherine in Orinda