For some odd reason Day +99 reminded me of Agent 99 and the whole Get Smart series which was a rich source of entertainment in my earlier days.
I got a kick out of all the gadgets which makes me wonder why with all of the high tech gadgets in this hospital we couldn’t get a ‘cone of silence’ here in the room to deal with the ever-present construction noise.
The past two days of treatment have clearly been harder on Keith than the first.
Oh, there has been the occasional moment or two when he feels good but for the most part he hasn’t been particularly comfortable.
Fever, chills and an overall ‘icky’ feeling quickly follow each 4 hour infusion and the symptoms seem to have become slightly more pronounced with each successive treatment.
So we are all pretty relieved that Keith has now completed all three of the antibody infusions for this cycle and should be heading back home again by early afternoon on Friday barring any unforeseen developments.
Annie and Don will be winging there way from
Michigan in the morning to spend several days with us.
Keith has been looking forward to their arrival for some time and I don’t doubt that it has helped him get through this difficult week.
I suppose there is a chance that as we head home from Stanford we might find ourselves driving along side of them as they ride in a shuttle from the airport - now that would be fun…..

Well... another successful mission for the Keithanator. Well done, sir! Well done.
When your dad was writing about passing Annie and Grandpa Don on the highway - I got a vision of that scene from "Speed" where they move people off one bus onto another. Do you think your Dad could handle that kind of precision driving? I think your whole family is pretty darned amazing - but still should probably not attempt it!
Have a great weekend.
That picture is an absolute hoot! If you could just get a hold of one and put Keith and Kirby in it I think you would have the perfect protocol.
Hurray for going home and a big pat on the head for Keith. Time for some "r and r."
Love, Aunt Christine
This very difficult week is behind you so, that in itself, is very good. Hope you enjoy a wonderful visit with Annie and Don. Tell them to drop by the bookstore to say hello! We always love to see them. Thinking of you every day!
Love, Marilyn Stoddard
Yay, I'm glad Keith will be home this weekend :)
Here's to family, whose love surpasses all.
So glad Annie and Don are going to join you.
Lori Patel
Hey there Keith!
Home Sweet Home!! It's just the best. I am looking forward to a full report of your exploits this weekend - good food and good times are in store, I am sure. Enjoy!!! Love from, Allison
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