Monday, June 25, 2007

Day +110: Night Owl

We had arranged for Keith to have a friend over to the house at 10am today, and at 10am he was still sound asleep even though we had wrestled him awake a couple of hours earlier to perform our vampire duties: drawing labs. Why was he so tired?

After a little bedside sleuthing, Josie spotted the book Keith had started reading the night before: The Cat Who Went to Paris and noticed that the bookmark was near the page 100 mark. Now this is a young reader book, but the type face is still quite small - really no different than any paperback novel. It turned out Keith stayed up to midnight reading this book in bed and obviously enjoyed reading it.

Josie and Keith's friend finally coaxed him out of bed, the play date went off without a hitch and he had a great day of fun. He got a good night's sleep after all.... sort of.

Keith has been feeling really good lately which makes us all feel a lot better.


Anonymous said...

Well, Keith, Valerie the Librarian must put this new book on her list to buy for the library over the summer! It looks great, and I have lots of cat-lovers (including me) at my school. You would love my new high-tech librarian equipment - a wireless scanner I can strap on my arm to work with books on the shelves! Just call me the bionic librarian. Glad you are feeling well.

Annie said...

Excuse me!----- F.Y.I., "The Cat Who Went to Paris" is not necessarily a book for young readers. In fact, it was one of my books that I read just a few years back and gave to Keith because I was sure he would enjoy it too! On second thought, I don't mind being categorized as a young reader---made my day!

Miss all of you and send you loads of love.

Allison N. said...

Hey there Keith,

I confess to being a late night reader myself! It's one of my truly favorite pastimes. "Just one more chapter...." was an often used phrase when I was your age and come to think of it - it's something I say quite a lot these days too.

The book looks like a great read.....enjoy!! Love from, Allison

Anonymous said...

Alas, I must report that there is no definitive answer to "what is the best whitefish pate". It seems that the pate that I had planned to take to dinner was a bit "past its prime". Thus, the decision was made to put off the great challenge until August. Stay tuned. Dinner with Ann and Don was hilarious. The food was sublime, the conversation hysterical (think much giggling), and our waiter's name was "Grouse". Furthermore, Annie and I determined that we both still look 21. Unfortunately, our eyes have disintegrated to such a degree that we cannot see much beyond the end of our noses. Wish you had been there with us if for no other reason than to sample the sushi. XO Barbara Hunting

Linda Bemis said...


I had lunch with Annie and Grandpa Don yesterday at the Casino. I'll bet your ears were burning as we talked a great deal about what a fine young man you are.

Good job with getting absorbed in a great book. I can remember going on vacation and my father getting angry with me because I was reading instead of looking at the "sights". Also, getting called to dinner and saying, "Just one more page". Nothing is better than to lose yourself in a good book.

Glad you are feeling better.

Linda B

Anonymous said...


Vhat are you doing vasting your time reading? Don't you want to become a politician and marry a Kennedy like me?!?! You must go to the gym and practice your accent right now!

I am convinced that Caleeforneea already has enough readers. What it needs more of are muscles and men with dyed hair!

Just ask the voting public. They've elected me twice.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so glad Keith is feeling good and enjoying his book - what good news!

My son is going to be doing the OPP relays for Childrens, for our boy Keith!



Anonymous said...


I am so glad to read you are feeling good - eating lots of yumminess again (s'mores - one of my favorites... and the blacker the marshmallow, the better!)

And I think I might have to find a copy of The Cat Who Went to Paris. Recommended by both you and Annie - how could I go wrong? Maybe you should write a companion book... "Kirby: The Cat Who Instigated the Great Childrenz Escape"

Sending lots of love and prayers your way!