Keith continues to feel well and even looks great as well. In fact, apart from the swimmer’s muscles and longer hair he had a year ago you would never know on quick glance what he’s been through over the past year. And apart from the annoying plantar wart on the bottom of one foot which causes him to hobble around like
Because Keith is technically in isolation and not permitted to go inside any buildings other than our home and the hospital, our summer excursions have been, shall we say, somewhat limited. Outdoor venues that are generally close to home are on our "do" list, relegating almost everything else to our "don't" list. Undeterred, we’ve enjoyed both the UC Berkeley and Tilden botanical gardens, Park Pool, the local farmer’s market as well as short walks in the neighborhood.
Looking ahead, Keith is scheduled to be re-admitted for his second course of antibody treatment the second week of July. If this course is anything like the last course we aren’t expecting him to feel especially great during that week. Because this treatment round coincides with his eleventh birthday we’ve decided to celebrate his birthday a week early while he’s still feeling good.
Ok, the Gunsmoke tie-in might be kinda' lame.
Swim-A-Thon to Fight Cancer
In a great gesture of support our friends at Park Pool have arranged to have a swim-a-thon in Keith’s honor on July 10th to raise funds for a charity of our choice. We spent a long time thinking over what might be a good organization to direct the fund towards and decided on Children’s Hospital Oakland for all they have done for us and other families with kids undergoing difficult illnesses. For those of you out-of-towners who feel like supporting this cause (and it's quite ok to decline), you can sponsor Keith’s brother Scott (or another swimmer) with either a flat amount or a per lap pledge. Just a word of caution though…. Scott says he is planning on swimming 200 laps (nearly 3 miles!). Checks should be made out to: Children’s Hospital & Research Center Foundation and rather than posting our home address they can be sent to my office address:
Steve Kelley
All donations are fully tax deductible as allowed by law. Tax ID# 94-1657474