Sunday, April 15, 2007

Day +38: Dr. W's Dogs Take Keith for a Walk

April 14, 2007: Day +38

Walking the dogs was definitely the day’s highlight. Keith got himself all suited up and we headed out to meet up with Dr. W who was at that very moment walking down the sidewalk with both of his dogs in tow to meet us. His canine friends included a large German Shepherd named Princess and a Vizsla named Coho. Neither are small dogs, but Keith donned his rubber gloves and took Coho’s leash. Dr. W. indicated that since Coho was 107 years old (dog years) she shouldn’t tug too much on the lead.

So off we went – three humans, two dogs, and one small pink bag filled with you-know-what in search for a bit of grass to run Princess (Coho wasn’t too interested in running). Soon we found ourselves at a nice park and almost immediately the skies let loose and the rain that we haven’t seen much of in California lately came pouring down. None of us seemed to care about the rain (with the possible exception Coho who was now wet and shivering). Keith loved the whole experience although launching slimy tennis balls to Princess with one of those long plastic ball launchers (you dog owners probably know exactly what this device is called) that allows you to throw the ball twice as far as normal had to be the highlight for him.

Princess tore across the park retrieving launch after launch and I think Keith could have been quite happy continuing this for hours. Princess, however, started to take her time bringing the balls back – a pretty clear indication that she had her fill. So Keith resumed his grip on Coho’s leash and we headed back to the RM House.

A little wetter than we started out, but a great experience for Keith. Even Coho seemed to enjoy it...

(if you click on the image above, you should be able to view a slideshow)

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